Nepal's Gross Domestic Production (GDP) is lowest among all South Asian countries, according to a report released by Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS/Nepal) on 22nd March 2011.
Nepal's GDP is estimated to be 3.47 percent in last seven months of the current fiscal year. The estimation is far below than 12 percent of Bhutan, 6 percent of Bangladesh, 10 percent of China and 9 percent of India.
In the current fiscal year, the agriculture sector and non-agriculture sector are expected to register 4.11 percent and 3 percent increase.
In the industrial production index, production of soybean, biscuit, beer, jute, leather, paper, plastic, concrete, iron rod, GI pipe and electricity wire decreased, according to the statistics. The growth rate of mustard oil, paddy, wheat flour, readymade garments, lube oil, paint, medicine, soap, brick and other materials is negative.
Sector-wise hotel and restaurant sector is estimated to grow by 7.3 percent, fishery by 6.8 percent and transport communication and storage by 7.15 percent compared to the last fiscal year.
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) was established in 1959 under Statistics Act, 2015 BS as the central agency for the collection, consolidation, processing, analysis, publication and dissemination of statistics. It is under the National Planning Commission Secretariat (NPCS) of Nepal and serves as a national statistical organization of Government of Nepal.