than one in three people who deal with public services in South Asia
pay bribes, according to a new survey published on 22nd December 2011 .
the report, titled “Daily Lives and Corruption, Public Opinion in South
Asia ,” anticorruption group Transparency International surveyed
7,500 people between 2010 and 2011 in
Bangladesh , India ,
the Maldives , Nepal ,
Pakistan and Sri
Lanka on the frequency of bribes in those
survey asks respondents whether they think corruption has increased and which
institutions are considered most corrupt. It also asks if people have paid a
bribe in the past 12 months, to whom and for what.
bribery such a big a part of life for South Asians, you can see why so many
people are angry at their governments for not tackling corruption. People are
sick of paying bribes just to get on with their daily lives, and they are sick
of the sleaze and undue influence of public servants,” Rukshana Nanayakkara,
TI’s senior program coordinator for South Asia, said in a news release.
parties and the police are the most corrupt institutions in each of the six
countries, followed closely by legislatures and public officials, according to
the survey. Officials overseeing land deals were the next likely to demand a
bribe, the survey found.
study also found that most people think corruption is on the rise in the
region, with 62% of those interviewed saying they believe corruption has become
worse in the past three years. But 83% of people said they were ready get
involved in fighting corruption.
of people report paying a bribe in the past 12 months. The result was
startlingly high in Bangladesh
at 66 per cent, followed by India
and Pakistan ,
with 54 per cent and 49 per cent respectively reporting having paid a bribe to
one of nine service providers in the past 12 months.
of people feel that corruption in their country has increased in the past three
years. This was felt most strongly in India
and Pakistan ,
where three out of four people felt that corruption had increased over the past
three years. Government leaders were named as the most trusted to fight
corruption by 38% of people.
leaders were named as the most trusted to fight corruption in Bangladesh ,
the Maldives
and Sri Lanka . The
media was the most trusted institution in India
and Nepal . In Pakistan
the highest proportion of people reported that they trust ‘nobody’ to fight
of people agree that ordinary people can make a difference in the fight against
corruption. People are especially positive in the Maldives
and Pakistan ,
where 90 per cent and 89 per cent respectively agree that ordinary people can
make a difference.